Using Eclipse IDE
Using Eclipse IDE, to develop the Flex technology.
Step 1:
Download Eclipse
Download Flex SDK flex_sdk_4.1 from
Unzip the Flex sdk_4.1
I have unzipped Flex sdk_4.1 into the
Step 2:
2.1. Open the Eclipse
Click ok. The eclipse will open.
2.2. Create Project
Go File—New—Project
New Project window will open.
You select General and Project and click Next>
Another New Project window will open. where you give project name such as
Next> and Finish.
New Project named FlexProject was successfully created.
Step 3:
Create file named FlexExample
Right click on FlexProject—New—File—new window will open
Where you give filename such as FlexExample.mxml.
< ?xml version = '1.0' encoding = 'ISO-8859-1'? >
< mx:Application xmlns:mx = '' >
< mx:Script >
< /mx:Script >
< mx:Panel title = 'Navaladiyan Technology' color = 'green' height="500" width="500" >
< mx:Canvas >
< mx:Label text="UserName" id="username" x="100" y="100" color="Red"/ >
< mx:TextInput id="tusername" x="180" y="100" color="Blue"/ >
< /mx:Canvas >
< /mx:Panel >
< /mx:Application >
Step 4:
Create build.xml
Right click on FlexProject—New—File—new window will open
Where you give filename build.xml (note don’t change the name)
Don’t change the name build.xml.
open the build.xml
include following coding into build.xml
< project name='Flex' default='mxml' >
< target name='mxml' >
< property name='compiler' location='E:\InstalledSoftware\FlexSoftware\bin\mxmlc.exe' / >
< exec executable='${compiler}' failonerror='true' >
< arg line='-output F:\FLEXWORKSPACE\FlexProject\FlexExample.swf' / >
< arg line='F:\FLEXWORKSPACE\FlexProject\FlexExample.mxml' / >
< /exec >
< echo > mxml file compiled successfully < /echo >
< echo > swf file generated successfully < /echo >
< /target >
< /project >
< property name='compiler' location='E:\InstalledSoftware\FlexSoftware\bin\mxmlc.exe' / >
You specify the location where you installed the flex mxmlc.
mxmlc is flex compiler which is located in bin directory of the flex.
< arg line='-output F:\FLEXWORKSPACE\FlexProject\FlexExample.swf' / >
where you specify the directory where you have to store swf file.
< arg line='F:\FLEXWORKSPACE\FlexProject\FlexExample.mxml' / >
here you specify the directory where you have stored mxml file.
Step 5:
Run the application
Select build.xml
Right click the inside the build.xml
Select Run As and 1 Ant Build
Console will open like below
Step 6:
Open the flex file in Browser
Go to the where you have stored the mxml file and swf.
And select appropriate file I have opened the FlexExample.swf.
Step 7:
Get output