Showing posts with label custom tag body with attribute. Show all posts
Showing posts with label custom tag body with attribute. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

JSP- Custom Tag- Body with Attributes

JSP- Custom Tag- Body with Attributes


From Previous post, we have understood how to create custom body tag. From this post, we will learn how to create custom tag with body and attributes. If we create attribute, we will add attribute name when we create tag Handler class.


Step 1:
            Create Project CustomTagProject.

Step 2:
            Create TLD file named as ABody.tld

Successfully Abody.tld file created.
Step 3:
            Create Tag handler Class named as Abody

1). Put Tag Handler name i.e. class name as Abody

2). BodyTagSupport in Tag Support Class to Extend

Click Next

1). Select TLD file.
2). Body Content as JSP
3) To add attribute.

               Click New

                        Add New Attribute window will open.

                        Where you give Attribute name as username

                        And select Attribute Type as java.lang.String

            Select required attribute checkbox

Successfully Tag Handler class file created.
Step 4:

            Made some changes in

package javaclass;

import javax.servlet.jsp.JspException;
import javax.servlet.jsp.JspWriter;
import javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.BodyContent;
import javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.BodyTagSupport;

public class ABody extends BodyTagSupport
    private String username;

    public String getUsername()
        return username;

    public void setUsername(String username)
        this.username = username;

    public int doAfterBody()throws JspException
            BodyContent bc=getBodyContent();
            String body=bc.getString();
            JspWriter out=bc.getEnclosingWriter();
        catch(Exception e)

        return SKIP_BODY;
Step 5:

            Create jsp file named as ABody.jsp

Step 6:

Run the jsp file named ABody

Step 7:


Structure of the CustomTagProject

Monday, October 11, 2010

JSP- Custom Tag- Body with Attributes

JSP- Custom Tag- Body with Attributes


From Previous post, we have understood how to create custom body tag. From this post, we will learn how to create custom tag with body and attributes. If we create attribute, we will add attribute name when we create tag Handler class.


Step 1:
            Create Project CustomTagProject.

Step 2:
            Create TLD file named as ABody.tld