Showing posts with label comboScript. Show all posts
Showing posts with label comboScript. Show all posts

Monday, August 16, 2010

Flex Framework ComboBoxScript

Flex Framework ComboBox with actionScript


            A combo box is a commonly used graphical user interface. A combo box is a component with a drop-down arrow that users click to display an associated list of choices


Create combo box and display on the label components which choice we will choose.


          1). Combo Box 2). Label 3). Button


Step 1:

Create project. Already I have explained how to create project. If you forget, please remind the previous post.

I give the name for the project FlexExample.

Step 2:

Create file. Already I have explained how to create file. You follow that steps to create file.

I give the name for the file ComboScript.mxml

Flex Framework ComboBox with ActionScript

Flex Framework ComboBox with actionScript


            A combo box is a commonly used graphical user interface. A combo box is a component with a drop-down arrow that users click to display an associated list of choices


Create combo box and display on the label components which choice we will choose.


          1). Combo Box 2). Label 3). Button


Step 1:

Create project. Already I have explained how to create project. If you forget, please remind the previous post.

I give the name for the project FlexExample.

Step 2:

Create file. Already I have explained how to create file. You follow that steps to create file.

I give the name for the file ComboScript.mxml

Include the following coding into the ComboScript.mxml

< ?xml version = '1.0' encoding = 'utf-8'? >
< mx:Application xmlns:mx = '' >
< mx:Script >

private function display(event:Event):void
< /mx:Script >

< mx:Panel title="ComboBox and Radio Button" height="500" width="500"
layout="vertical" >
< mx:Label id="count"/ >
< mx:ComboBox id="country" >
< mx:String > India < /mx:String >
< mx:String > Pakistan < /mx:String >
< mx:String > Srilanka < /mx:String >
< mx:String > Bangladesh < /mx:String >
< /mx:ComboBox >

< mx:Button label="OK" click="display(event);"/ >

< mx:Panel >

< /mx:Application >

Step 3:

Create build.xml. Already you have build.xml, you just made some changes in build.xml.

Include following coding into build.xml
< exec executable='${compiler}' failonerror='true' >
< arg line='-output F:\FLEXWORKSPACE\FlexExample\ComboScript.swf' / >
< arg line='F:\FLEXWORKSPACE\FlexExample\ComboScript.mxml' / >
< /exec >

if you create new build.xml, you include following coding into build.xml

< project name='Flex' default='mxml' >

< target name='mxml' >
< property name='compiler' location='E:\InstalledSoftware\FlexSoft\bin\mxmlc.exe' / >

< exec executable='${compiler}' failonerror='true' >
< arg line='-output F:\FLEXWORKSPACE\FlexExample\ComboScript.swf' / >
< arg line='F:\FLEXWORKSPACE\FlexExample\ComboScript.mxml' / >
< /exec >

< echo > mxml file compiled successfully < /echo >
< echo > swf file generated successfully < /echo >
< /target >

< /project >

Step 4:
Run the Application.

Click build.xml. inside the build.xml window,right click and
select Run As – 1. Ant Build

Step 5:

Go to the folder. Where you have saved the ComboScript.swf and ComboScript.mxml. and open the ComboScript.swf.