Showing posts with label Hibernate count. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hibernate count. Show all posts

Monday, November 8, 2010

Hibernate Query Language-count

Hibernate Query Language-count(Aggregate function)
Creating DataBase using Mysql

DataBase Name: Navalady

Table Name: Student

Open MYSQL command line Client

Step 1:

Create Database named as Navalady.


mysql > create Database Name;

mysql > create Navalady;

Step 2:

To use Created Database. We use the following statement.


mysql > use Database Name;

mysql > use Navalady;

Step 3:

Create Table named as Student.

Mysql > create table table_name(field_name datatypes,filed_name datatypes….);

Mysql > create table Student(stuname varchar(40),stuno int(20),tamil int(20),English int(20),maths int(20), science int(20),socialscience int(20),primary key(stuno));

Step 4:

Insert the records into Student table.

We have to insert five records.

Hibernate Query Language-Aggregate function-count.

There are many aggregate function available in hibernate. Such as count, sum, max, min etc,

            Sometimes we want to get number of rows. At that time we use count() function to get total number of rows depending upon condition.


            Already we have created database as Navalady and table name is Student.

            Now we have to get how many students get hundred marks in mathematics.

Query is select count(*) from Student where maths=”100”;


· Already we have created project named as HibernateProject.· Also we have created Folder for storing jsp and Hibernate files.

Step 1:

            Create Hibernate Reverse Engineering wizard

Step 2:


Step 3:
               Create POJO class and mapping files

Step 4: 

                 Create jsp file named as CountExam

Include following coding into CountExam

< %@page contentType="text/html" pageEncoding="UTF-8"% >
< !DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" >
< %@page import="org.hibernate.SessionFactory" % >
< %@page import="org.hibernate.Session" % >
< %@page import="org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration" % >
< %@page import="org.hibernate.*" % >
< %@page import="java.util.*" % >
< %@page import="Hiber.Student" % >
< html >
< head >
< title > Hibernate count(aggregate function)Example < /title >
< /head >
< body >
< %

SessionFactory sessionFactory=new Configuration().configure().buildSessionFactory();
Session s=sessionFactory.openSession();
String sql="select count(*) from Student student where maths=100";
Query query=s.createQuery(sql);
Iterator it=query.iterate();

out.println("Total Studnet get 100 in maths ";
catch(Exception e)
% >
< /body >
< /html >


The output is 0.

Because nobody get hundreds in mathematic subject.

Insert new records into the student table in navalady database;

Mysql > insert into Student values(‘Mahinda’,7,66,77,100,100,100);

Mysql > insert into Student values(‘Maahi’,8,66,77,100,100,100);

And Run the CountExam.jsp again.