Mysql- using Date function.
we have to handle Date in our program. So we need to include Date function into our table student.
Step 1:
Create Database I have created database as Navalady.
Note: No need to create Database. Because we have already created Database named as Navalady) |
Step 2:
Already we have created table name as student. So also no need to create table.
Step 3:
We have to use the date in our program. So we include joining date of student into our table.
How to add new field into our existing table?
Mysql > alter table table_name ADD(field_name field_type);
Mysql > alter table student ADD(joindate Date);
Step 4:
Insert new records into student table.
Successfully we have included the join date to student.
Hibernate Criteria Query-BetweenDate
From this post we will learn how to use betweenDate to get result.
To get student who get admission between two dates.
Made some changes in student table.
Step 1:
Create Hibernate Reverse Engineering wizard
Step 2:
Step 3:
Create POJO class and mapping files
Step 4:
Create jsp file named as BetweenDate.jsp
Include following coding into the BetweenDate.jsp
< %@page import="java.util.*"% >
< %@page import="org.hibernate.*" % >
< %@page import="org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration" % >
< %@page import="org.hibernate.cfg.*" % >
< %@page import="org.hibernate.criterion.*" % >
< %@page import="Hiber.Student" % >
< html >
< head >
< title > Criteria Example between Date < /title >
< /head >
< body >
< %
SessionFactory sessionFactory=new Configuration().configure().buildSessionFactory();
Session s=sessionFactory.openSession();
Criteria crit=s.createCriteria(Student.class);
Date startDate=new Date("1999/06/22");
Date endDate=new Date("1999/06/26");
crit.add(Expression.between("joindate", startDate,endDate));
List list=crit.list();
Iterator iterator=list.iterator();
Student ss=(Student);
catch(Exception e)
% >
< /body >
< /html >
To check manually using mysql query.
mysql > select stuname from student where joindate between ('1999/06/22') and (‘1999/06/26’);