Showing posts with label Checkbox Demo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Checkbox Demo. Show all posts

Monday, August 2, 2010

Flex Framework checkbox Demo

Flex Framework Checkbox Demo


A check box is a box on a web page that can be checked by a user. Unlike a radio button, more than one box can be checked at once.

          Step 1:

                    Create project

          Step 2:

                    Create file CheckBoxDemo.mxml

                    Include following coding into the CheckBoxDemo.xml

< ?xml version = '1.0' encoding = 'ISO-8859-1'? >
< mx:Application xmlns:mx = '' >
< mx:Panel title="CheckBox Demo" height="500" width="500" >
< mx:Canvas >

< mx:CheckBox id="reading" x="10" y="80" label="Reading Books"/ >
< mx:CheckBox id="playing" x="10" y="130" label="Playing Cricket"/ >
< mx:CheckBox id="watching" x="10" y="180" label="Watching TV" / >

< /mx:Canvas >
< /mx:Panel >
< /mx:Application >

Step 3:

Configure in build.xml

Include following coding into the build.xml


< exec executable='${compiler}' failonerror='true' >
< arg line='-output F:\FLEXWORKSPACE\FlexProject\CheckBoxDemo.swf' / >
< arg line='F:\FLEXWORKSPACE\FlexProject\CheckBoxDemo.mxml' / >
< /exec >


Step 4:

Run the Application

Step 5:
